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Why go Premium?

Save more than two hours a week with:

Icon Recurring Tasks

Advanced Recurring Reminders

Set up once & clear your mind. Reliable daily, weekly, monthly and yearly recurring tasks.

Icon Customized Themes

Customized Themes

Choose your favorite theme and background to match your style, mood, and personality.

Icon WhatsApp Reminders

WhatsApp Reminders

Turn WhatsApp messages into tasks and reminders using natural language. Yes. Really.

Icon Color Tags

Color Tags

Organize your tasks in a visual way and find what you are looking for in seconds.

Icon Location Reminders (Mobile)

Location Reminders (Mobile)

Unlock location reminders to make sure you don’t forget to pick up the groceries on your way home.

Icon Unlimited Daily Planner

Unlimited Daily Planner

Any.do’s daily planner helps you stay focused on your most important tasks.

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